‘Nina, what can we say? We could not wish for a better friend to share our wedding preparation and celebrations with. Your contribution before and during our celebrations and the festival that followed will always be remembered and appreciated. Thank you dearest for the most beautiful officiation of our ‘love-fest’. Thank you, thank you! We embrace you, we honour you, we cherish you. ‘Our love always, Suzanne and Rod.
‘Nina was the celebrant for my son Alaric and his wife Cara’s wedding. Everybody commented afterwards on how well the marriage celebrant did the ceremony, with heart, conviction, clarity, humour and soul. Thank you Nina, it couldn’t have been any better.’ Helen Gill.

As you and your Beloved walk the exciting path towards marriage, you need to feel that the celebrant at the heart of your ceremony understands your backgrounds, your desires and intentions and any concerns you may have… You need to feel that the person with the legal responsibility to marry you has a vested interest in honouring your culture, your beliefs and your unique love and life stories. With Nina Angelo as your celebrant, you are guaranteed a completely personal, heartfelt and genuine orator, master of ceremonies and support person for the most important ceremony of your life.

By working closely with you before the ceremony, Nina can incorporate everything that is important and uniquely significant to you. Everything from hand-fasting rituals to cherished songs to multicultural blessings and contributions from the most important people in your lives can be included. This is your ceremony and Nina is committed to making it everything you hoped for and more.
‘I strive to honour Love in all I do. I feel very priviledged and honoured to be part of and assist in a ceremony that brings two people and two families together under the banner of Love and the sacred commitment of marriage.’ Nina Angelo

Get in touch on 0414 810 007 to find out how you can incorporate your most cherished moments and rituals into the most beautiful ceremony of your lives.